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Events for January 15 - October 20, 2023

“Eden Restored” – Rachel Neikirk

31 Rue Meslay, 75003 Paris - Metro Republique 31 Rue Meslay, Paris, France

Luz Art NYC presents "Eden Restored" artist Rachel Neikirk. In [...]

Behold Him: The One who Transforms

LUZ ART Gallery 1640 Irving Blvd, Dallas, TX, United States

"Behold Him: The One who Transforms," is a forty-piece collection [...]

The Scandal Of Grace

Palazzo Morosini, Calle Della Malvasia Sestiere Cannaregio 4505, Venice, Calle de la Malvasia, Italy

Featured Artwork By: Wayne Forte, Debbie Clark, Heather Strazza, Erika [...]