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Living Free – Shenshen210

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ShenShen210: is best known for her soulful portraits over the course of almost four decades. As a vanguard graffiti artist, Shen continually elevates her signature style, bringing the street art medium to galleries, mural projects in public spaces, and private commissions across the globe. Her unique aerosol art captures the heart and spirit of her subjects in ways that engage, move, and inspire.

“:ShenShen210: was the first female graffiti artist on the West Coast to do quality work, and graffiti is the most important art movement in the last 40+ years.”
– Jim Prigoff, photographer, art historian, and author of the bestselling book, “Spraycan Art,” which has sold more than 250,000 copies to date.

“I express the soul’s path to freedom from bondage. I explore the transformative power yielded via relationship with the Divine while thriving brilliantly through visual messages of deep abiding love.

Combining realism with abstraction, I seek to bring clarity where there was once confusion. Light and details are placed within shadows, emulating the power that pain has to transform, reveal and enlighten. Emerging woodgrain reflects the many layers of being human and the seasons in which life brings. I explore relationship with the Divine Creator using mixed media, oil & airbrush, which keeps me connected to my urban graffiti art roots.” Shen


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