“Protecting Innocence” is a collection of works by artists Sara Dresher, Marianne Lettieri, Micah Salinas, Julian Curi & Kay Chernush of ArtWorks for Freedom.
LUZ ART is presenting, Protecting Innocence, to grow awareness for the international epidemic of human trafficking and its attack on the innocent and most vulnerable persons in our society. This collection of artworks gives the viewer a glimpse into the horrors an individual is subjected to inside this system and the hope that restoration is possible with effective partnerships and resources. With support from human trafficking organizations, we are seeking to bring attention to the many missing persons who are exploited. Human trafficking is the world’s fastest growing criminal enterprise and is an estimated $150 billion-a-year global industry. It is a form of modern day slavery that profits from the exploitation of our most most vulnerable populations. California harbors 3 of the FBI’s 13 highest sex trafficking areas in the nation: Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego.
Contributing Organizations:
Art Works for Freedom
Red Sands Project
A21 Campaign