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Events for January 15 - October 20, 2023

Lucha Libre

584 West 28th St. Suite 528, New York, NY, 10001 584 West 28th St., Suite 528, New York, NY, United States

Step into "LUCHA LIBRE," an evocative exhibition by artist Mark [...]

“Eden Restored” – Rachel Neikirk

31 Rue Meslay, 75003 Paris - Metro Republique 31 Rue Meslay, Paris, France

Luz Art NYC presents "Eden Restored" artist Rachel Neikirk. In [...]

Behold Him: The One who Transforms

LUZ ART Gallery 1640 Irving Blvd, Dallas, TX, United States

"Behold Him: The One who Transforms," is a forty-piece collection [...]

The Scandal Of Grace

Palazzo Morosini, Calle Della Malvasia Sestiere Cannaregio 4505, Venice, Calle de la Malvasia, Italy

Featured Artwork By: Wayne Forte, Debbie Clark, Heather Strazza, Erika [...]